
Sqware Peg sponsors Tagesse Desse from World Vision

Sqware Peg has sponsored Tagesse Desse.

Tagesse was born on the 13th of February 1994. Tagesse lives in Ethopia and his favourite game is group games.

You can also help Tagesse and his community through the Shonkolla Project.

Children in Tagesse's community face many challenges. Most people are farmers, but due to a lack of resources and farming skills they find it difficult to grow enough to feed their families. As a result, many children are malnourished. Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation can lead to the spread of preventable illnesses like dysentery and Hepatitis B. HIV/AIDS is spreading in the area, with limited access to health care. Many children miss out on education because there is a shortage of schools.

Sqware Peg's sponsorship helps to provide:
  • Immunisation and medical check-ups
  • Clean, safe water
  • Building materials for new schools
  • Training in farming skills, to increase income
  • Education on HIV/AIDS prevention

For more information on sponsoring a World Vision child, please visit: www.worldvision.com.au

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